Composing a two-week notice letter is an important step in leaving your job. This enables you to provide the employer with due notification and a formal reason why you are quitting.

According to the federal JOLTS report, approximately 50.5 million people quit their jobs in 2022, surpassing the previous record set in 2021.

This article explains why it is important to submit a two-week notification letter, what should be included in it, and how to write an effective notice that leaves a positive impression.

Constructing a two-week notice correspondence can be challenging, but with careful thought and preparation, it can be accomplished competently. We will provide guidance on writing compelling letters that will help ensure a smooth transition when leaving a job.

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What Is a 2-Week Notice?

A two weeks notice is a written statement to the employer that the worker is intending to leave the job.

This letter states the date of the employee's final day of work and offers to help with any transition-related tasks. Being formally informed gives employers time to come up with the strategy for the time being and to start looking for replacement.

What Is a 2-Week Notice

The letter is usually required by employment contracts or company policies. It's also seen as a sign of respect for the employer. This notice is a part of the resignation process and should be done professionally.

Two-Week Notice Letter Examples

Two Weeks Notice Letter Template 2

Two-Week Notice Example

To: Christian Shuster, Team Lead
From: Jeremy Bromilow, CEO

April 24, 2024

Dear Mr. Bromilow,

I am writing to formally resign from my position as Team Lead, effective two weeks from today's date. After much contemplation, I have decided to embark on a new journey to explore opportunities aligned with my evolving career aspirations.

My tenure at Guardian Shield Insurance has been profoundly rewarding, and I am sincerely grateful for the invaluable experiences and growth opportunities afforded to me. I have had the privilege of leading an exceptional team, and I am immensely proud of our collective achievements and contributions to the organization's success.

During the remainder of my notice period, I am fully committed to facilitating a seamless transition and ensuring the continued success of our team initiatives. Please rest assured that I am available to provide comprehensive support and assistance as needed.

Thank you for your understanding and support throughout my time at Guardian Shield Insurance. I am genuinely appreciative of the mentorship and camaraderie shared with my colleagues and look forward to maintaining our professional connections in the future.

Warm regards,
Christian Shuster

Two Weeks Notice Letter Template 2

How to Write a Two-Week Notice Letter?

Two weeks notice letter structure


To craft a 2-week notice letter, start by typing your name and address at the top of the page, with the date below that.

Employer address

When writing, it is important to include the correct address of the department. Depending on the size of the company, this may be different from the company's main office.

  • If you are not sure of the exact location, double-check with HR or an administrative assistant before submitting your letter.
  • Incorporate the full name and title of the person to whom the letter should be directed. Call HR or look through a staff list in case you don't know the person's name. If you are leaving a large organization, it is best to direct the letter to your immediate manager.

Put in your addresses and email. Append a phone number so that they can respond easily. Enter full street and postcode details in case they need to return any documents or items you have left behind.

Follow all necessary steps for sending and keeping records of your notice period. This will ensure that everyone is aware of when you will be quitting and what arrangements have been made for your departure.


Then add a proper introduction. It's important to address your manager or supervisor by name and use a professional tone.

You can start with "Dear [Manager's Name]," followed by a comma. If you are more comfortable using a formal greeting, you can use "Dear Mr./Ms. [Manager's Last Name]" instead.

Remember to keep the tone respectful and polite, as this is a formal document (like a cover letter). You should maintain a positive relationship with your past employer.


Being aware of the timing of your termination is vital. It's best to give a specific date that is at least two weeks from the submission date.

  • If you need to depart before the two weeks are up, make sure to discuss with your employer. They may be willing to work with you on when you leave and the period of notice they will receive.
  • Be sure to check your company's policy, too. Your contract may state how long in advance the notice is required, or if there are any additional obligations when leaving the job.
  • Investigating the local labor laws and regulations in your state or territory is highly recommended. Different areas have various rules and regulations regarding what constitutes a valid resignation letter.
  • Consider sending your notice of resignation via registered mail or courier service so that a record of its delivery is kept. This way, if there's ever any disagreement about when it was received or sent, there's proof that it was made on time and can serve as evidence in court.

2-Week Notice Letter Body

When writing the body of a two-week notice letter, you should start by stating your intention to resign and the date that your resignation will be effective. You can then briefly explain your reason for leaving if you feel comfortable doing so.


  • Keep in mind that it's crucial to be professional and avoid burning bridges, even if you are leaving because of a negative experience. When looking for a new job, you may need to provide references, and your former employer is one of best option to describe your talents.

Next, you can offer to assist with the transition process prior to the transition to a new company. This could mean training a new employee or remaining available via phone to answer questions for a week or two.

Finally, you should express your gratitude for the opportunity to work for the company. You can mention any valuable skills or experience you gained during your time there, and show your gratefulness for the support and guidance you received from your manager and colleagues.

Overall, the body of the resignation letter should be concise, respectful, and focused on your desire to leave on good terms.


  • With much regret, I am communicating my intention to step down from my role as the Assistant Manager at Beacon Legal Services. After much consideration, I have decided that this is the best course of action for me at this point in time.

    I have been with the company for the past 5 years and have enjoyed my time here immensely. I have learned a great deal and worked with some incredible people who I will miss dearly.

    I understand that this decision may come as a surprise to you, and I apologize for any inconvenience it may cause. But I believe this is the right thing to do, and I wanted to provide you with the fortnight's notice requested by company policy.

Sign-off and signature

Finish your letter in a respectful manner. Use a formal closing to end the letter in a professional manner. Examples include "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Respectfully." Keep your closing brief and to the point.


  • Thank you for your understanding.


    Jason Trebbony,

    Senior Software Engineer

Avoid Unnecessary Information

Although seems easy, there are things that you should avoid when crafting your two-weeks letter:


  • Do not include a long list of reasons for why you're leaving or personal information about your experience with the company. Be clear and direct and stick to the facts - you are giving two weeks' notice of your resignation.
  • Refrain from including any criticism or negative remarks concerning the company, regardless of their validity. You don't want to burn bridges!
  • Avoid providing too much detail about where you are going next or why. This isn't necessary and could be seen as unprofessional. You can add your contact information and a gallant offer to aid with the transition if required.

Ultimately, keep your letter short, polite, and professional without providing unnecessary details. It's best not to insert any opinionated statements or complaints that could potentially damage your reputation or relationships with former colleagues.

Two-Weeks Notice Templates

Template 1

Here is a sample two-weeks notice template that can be used as a hard copy letter or an email attachment.

Dear [Employer Name],

This letter serves as my official notice of leaving my position of [Position Title] with [Company Name]. My final working day is set for [Date], two weeks from the date of this letter.

I am thankful for the probability I was given while employed at [Company Name]. I have relished my stay and appreciate all the support provided to me.

I am delighted to offer my assistance in the interim, and I am available to answer any queries you may have.


[Your Name]

Template 2

This two-week notice example for resigning from your job via email.

Dear [Name of Manager],

I am writing to inform you that I am leaving my role as [Job Title] at [Company Name], effective [Date].

I have been delighted to be here and am grateful for the opportunities I have received while being employed by [Company Name]. I am appreciative of all the care and attention you have given me during my stay.

Kindly inform me how I can best help with the transition of my duties. I am willing to provide any assistance needed. I am confident that my team will continue to excel in their roles.

Thank you again for granting me the possibility to collaborate with such a great team. I wish you and the company continued success.


[Your Name]

Template 3

It's time to write your two weeks notice email. You want to make sure it is professional, expresses your thankfulness for the opportunity, and leaves a lasting impact. Here is a template you can use when writing your letter.

Dear [Manager Name],

I am writing to let you know that I am handing in my notice for my [Position] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date].

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for the chances I have had over the past [Years/Months]. I have gained many skills and experiences during my time here and I am grateful for the chance to develop professionally.

I wish the team continued success in all its endeavors. Should you need any assistance in transitioning my responsibilities, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you again for this experience and for making this transition as smooth as possible.


[Your Name]

How to Prepare for Resignation?

Sending a 2-week resignation letter can be stressful. But don't worry, we will help you through it! Below you will find step-by-step instructions on everything you need to do.

Step 1: Prepare a Plan

Planning ahead is the initial action in writing a two-weeks notice.

  • Start by determining your last working day and the date you will submit the letter. Ensure that you have enough time to finish the projects for which you are responsible.
  • Next, decide how you want to deliver the letter. You can either hand-deliver it or send it through email. When choosing an email, use a clear and professional subject line so that it gets noticed immediately.
  • Think about what details you should add to your letter. Acknowledge your employer for the opportunity and provide explanations for your leaving. This does not have to be comprehensive; merely provide enough data so that your employer understands that your leaving is peaceful.
  • Finally, decide what kind of tone you want to use. Keep it professional, but be sure to voice your recognition of the experience and the relationships you have built while at the company.

Remember to proofread the letter before submitting it. Check for any typos or grammatical errors. Your termination letter should demonstrate that not only are you leaving on good terms, but also that you value the experiences shared with the company and its people.

Step 2: Schedule a Meeting

Once you've decided to give your two weeks' notice, the next step is to organize a discussion with your manager. It's important to do this face-to-face as it shows respect and professionalism.

  • Before you go into the meeting, make sure you're set up. Write down what you want to say and anticipate any questions they may have. Consider bringing a copy of your resignation letter.
  • When scheduling the appointment, try to choose a time that's mutually convenient for both yourself and your boss. Verify you give them plenty of notice so they have time to prepare.
  • During the conversation, be respectful and honest in your discussion. Let them know why you're changing the job and express gratitude for any opportunities they've given you.
  • It's critical to remain professional throughout the entire meeting and keep an open dialogue. In the event of any issues that need resolving, be proactive in finding solutions to them. Additionally, keep in mind that this is not the place for negotiation or requests for additional benefits.
  • Finally, remember that it's okay to feel emotional about leaving a job. You don't need to hide your feelings but do try to stay composed.

Step 3: What to Say When Giving Notice?

When resigning, it's important to be ready for questions that may arise. Take the necessary steps to prepare to answer them.


  • Describe the reason for your departure and be optimistic. Don't provide details if you feel uncomfortable.
  • Be prepared to discuss the transition process and how long it will take for you to complete your tasks.
  • Your HR department may also ask you for feedback or suggestions. If so, keep it professional and provide only constructive advice.
  • If there is something that you would like to speak about with your employer, such as a reference letter or exit package, now is the time to do so. Ensure that you understand the significance of what you are asking for.

Remember that this is a professional setting and your behavior reflects on you as an individual. Show respect for your employer even if the circumstances of your departure are difficult.

Step 4: Submit a Formal Resignation Notice

The fourth step in the quitting process is to provide a written resignation letter.

Even if you have had problems with the organization or are unhappy in your role, it is better to be respectful and professional. Making negative comments about the employer or coworkers can be damaging to your reputation.

According to Gallup, 75 percent of people leave their jobs because of their boss.

Be certain to retain a copy of this letter for your records. Once it has been sent, you should follow up with your supervisor and/or human resources department to confirm that they have received it.

Giving two week notice to the employer will guarantee that there are no misunderstandings regarding the end of your employment and affirm a seamless move.

Step 5: Offer Transition Assistance

This is your time to show your appreciation for the organization. Create a detailed list of your daily responsibilities and tasks. This will help your employer understand your workload and delegate tasks accordingly.

If your employer hires someone to replace you, offer to train them. This will help them understand their responsibilities and the company's processes better.

In addition to offering help with the transition, use this as an opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your departure. This could comprise inquiries about vacation pay, benefits, 401(k), or other compensation.

Step 6: Farewell Message

Say goodbye to your colleagues, boss, and everyone in the company.

Mention your experiences and the lessons learned. Acknowledge the team's accomplishments, if any, that you were part of. This is a great way to leave on a positive note and this will be remembered by others.

Conclude with a wish for good luck to everybody in their future endeavors.

Finally, thank them once again. This is an important step that should not be skipped or glossed over.

Should It Always Be a Two Week Period?

55% of people give one week's notice or less, 22% reported giving the standard two weeks letter, but 10% indicated they left immediately after quitting and 13% said they ghosted the company.

Giving notice to the employer is a customary practice for departing employees. In general, this is done out of courtesy. It gives the boss the opportunity to locate a substitute for the departing employee, and it also gives them time to train and orientate the new hire.

Despite this, particular allowances can be made. Occasionally, an employer may have an immediate termination of an employee's contract. Or they may even require a laborer to stay longer than two weeks in order to finish up important tasks or projects.

In these cases, it is imperative for the employee to follow their employer's instructions and adjust their notice period accordingly.

In conclusion, while the two-week courtesy of notification is usually expected from a worker who is retiring, there are some exceptions where an employer might ask for different arrangements. Regardless of the circumstances, it is important for both parties to communicate openly and discuss any changes.

Can I Email My Resignation Notice?

The short answer is: yes.

In fact, some employers prefer an email to a physical letter when it comes to receiving your two-week notice. However, there are definite key points to consider before sending the email.

Follow the company policy on resigning. Some companies may have specific guidelines for how you should submit your letter of resignation. Read those and be certain that all the information is requested.

Hard CopyEmail
More formal feel and long-lasting.Quick and easy, and can be sent directly to the person in charge.
Taking the time to print the letter makes it more thoughtful.Easier for employers to keep track of and respond to quickly.
Can be harder to track and make sure they get to the right person.Can lack the personal touch of a letter, and may not be taken as seriously.

In conclusion, while sending your resignation via email is becoming more commonplace, it's urgent to remember that professionalism is still key in this process.

Two-Weeks Notice Letter Alert

Leaving your job and issuing a two-week notice is a crucial part of the transition process. Still, the company may not accept it. This can leave you feeling confused and frustrated.

What happens if your employer doesn't obtain your notice?

It depends on the circumstances and the laws of your state. As a general rule, employers are free to refuse accepting a notice of termination and to insist on immediate departure. In some situations, directors may be legally obliged to give you more time or compensate you for the last two weeks.

It's essential to understand what laws apply to your case. Some states require the company head to take a letter and pay you for the remaining period. Others may allow to decline such resignations or demand longer periods of notice.

If your boss rejects your resignation letter, it's important to talk to them about why they have taken this action.

Sometimes managers may have valid reasons for declining a notice period, such as business needs or contractual obligations. Also, they may be trying to discourage you from leaving.

Offering sufficient warning before departure is an essential piece of departing employment. If your supervisor declines your 2-week notice, make certain you understand why and know what labor laws apply in your circumstances.


What should I do after submitting my two-weeks notice letter?
Maintain professionalism and continue to fulfill your job responsibilities to the best of your ability during your notice period.
Can my boss reject my resignation letter?
In most cases, employers cannot reject a resignation submitted with proper notice. However, they may negotiate the terms or discuss the timing of your departure.
What if I have a non-compete agreement?
Review the terms of your agreement. Seek legal advice if needed to understand your rights and obligations.
If I regret submitting the resignation letter, what should I do?
Speak with your employer promptly. They may be open to discussing alternatives.
What if I have unused vacation days?
Check your company's policy. You may be paid for them or be required to use them before your last day.
What if my employer asks me to leave before my notice period ends?
Ensure you understand your rights regarding pay and benefits for the notice period.

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Resignation Notice: Conclusion

It can be difficult to write a two weeks notice letter. You may feel overwhelmed or anxious about the idea of leaving your current job.

However, it is important to remember that submitting a notification of resignation two weeks in advance is a professional courtesy.

Bear in mind that every situation is unique and no two letters are the same. Consider what is best for your particular case and how you can communicate it in the letter.

Remember to always be respectful and professional when presenting a resignation letter. Not only will this help ensure that there are no hard feelings between you and your employer, but it may also improve your chances of getting a positive reference in the future.

Good luck!