The term "elevator pitch" has several origin stories, meaning that different people came up with this idea on various occasions. In this article, we'll provide good elevator pitch examples for different occasions and how they can help your job search or business development.

"The purpose of an elevator pitch is to describe a situation or solution so compelling that the person you're with wants to hear more even after the elevator ride is over."

Seth Godin

We'll also share tips for creating an elevator speech, so you can get the most out of this potent communication tool. So if you're ready to learn how to stand out with an effective elevator presentation, keep reading!

What is an elevator pitch?

How to create an elevator pitch?

An elevator pitch is a short and captivating talk that describes you, your business, product, or idea in a brief way. Its goal is to concisely articulate why someone should be interested in you or your product.

To create an effective elevator speech, you need to be prepared to answer questions such as:

  • Who you are and what you do?
  • What makes you unique?
  • What problem do you solve?
  • Why should someone care?

Your statement should be succinct and engaging enough to make the listener eager for additional information. How long should an elevator pitch be? Try to keep it under two minutes or no more than 150 words.

In addition to a verbal pitch, you may also want to prepare a written version that you can hand out after delivering your speech. This can include additional details about your company or product, as well as contact information to enable further inquiries.

Just like your resume, your elevator pitch must be polished and always up-to-date for any opportunity that comes your way. You never know when someone might ask about your business or product!

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How to write a good elevator pitch (with examples)?

An elevator pitch should be brief and direct. It should be catchy and creative enough to build a long-term memory.

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?" - the question Steve Jobs asked John Sculley, the future CEO of Apple to persuade him to join the company. It is considered one of the best elevator pitches in history.

An elevator speech should succinctly communicate the essence of your message in a few sentences. It should have a clear goal and convey why you are applying for the job or why your project is worthwhile and relevant.

Elevator pitch about yourself example:

  • Hi, my name is John. I'm a recent college graduate with a degree in business administration. I'm enthusiastic about sales and marketing and have an excellent track record of success.

    My experience in customer service has enabled me to develop strong communication and problem-solving skills. I'm currently looking for an entry-level position in sales and marketing. I'm confident that my knowledge and experience make me an asset to any team. In addition, my ability to think strategically will help your organization reach its goals.

    I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can be an asset to your company. Thank you for your time!

When to use an elevator pitch?

At its best, an elevator pitch is a pithy, memorable answer to the dreaded, “Tell me about yourself.” At its worst, it's cheesy, jargon-filled nonsense.

Guy Kawasaki

Whether you're networking at a business event or meeting with potential employers, crafting a concise summary about yourself beforehand can assist you. Below you will find a list of different occasions when you can benefit from preparing and using an elevator speech.

IntroductionA well-crafted elevator pitch delivered to introduce yourself in a professional setting will create a positive perspective of you. Whether you're meeting someone for the first time or following up with a contact, your pitch can provide them with an accurate picture of yourself and your expertise.
Networking eventsConferences, competitions, lectures, etc. are often filled with professionals looking to make connections and grow their businesses. An elevator pitch is the perfect method to present yourself in this kind of environment.
Job interviewsWhen interviewing for a job, you are all about making a good impression. You want to give employers a clear comprehension of your character and what makes you an ideal candidate for the position. A concise and effective introduction can aid you in accomplishing this goal in a short amount of time.
In-person meetingsWhen meeting someone face-to-face, present a concise overview of who you are, what you do, and why it would be beneficial to them. This could be at a networking event, a job interview, or any other situation in which you want to make connections.
Social media platformsWith social media becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes, you want to ensure your profile stands out. A succinct elevator statement can aid in drawing in prospective customers and investors and guarantee they grasp what your business has to offer.
Online marketingWhether it's on your homepage, your email signature, or any other online marketing material, use your elevator pitch to provide visitors with an insightful grasp of who you are and the services you offer. Make sure your message is short and to the point so that people can easily access the information they need.

At its core, an elevator pitch is meant to be concise and engaging. Knowing when to use it will ensure that it has the desired impact when delivered in the right situation.

No matter what situation you find yourself in, an elevator pitch can be a useful tool for getting your message across quickly and effectively.

Types of elevator pitches

There are various kinds of elevator pitches, each designed to meet different needs. There are personal elevator pitches to help you introduce yourself. Also, there are interview elevator pitches, tailored to specific questions.

Here are a few examples of some others:

Elevator speech

The traditional elevator pitch is formulated to give a succinct account of a company or product, generally lasting no longer than two minutes.

Such statements should include the problem the business or product solves, any unique selling points or advantages it offers, and a call to action prompting further inquiry.

Proposed solution

The pain point elevator pitch focuses on the customer's pain points. This kind of presentation emphasizes how a company or product solves an existing problem or satisfies an unmet need.

You must encompass information on how the product or service works and what advantages it can offer the customer.

Storytelling pitch

The storytelling pitch is designed to create an emotional connection with listeners by telling a story about how the company or product came to be.

This kind of elevator presentation ought to include details about what inspired the business or product and any successes it has achieved. The goal is to leave the listeners feeling inspired by the story.

"If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough."

Albert Einstein

No matter which type of elevator pitch you choose, it is imperative that remember that all good pitches must be memorable and tailored to your audience.

Formulating a remarkable elevator statement can facilitate you in drawing in investors and locking in agreements with customers - if performed properly!

Elevator pitch examples for students

Elevator pitch example for resenting yourself:

  • Hello! My name is John Smith, I'm a student at Penn State University hoping to make an impact in the world.

    I have a passion for technology and I'm driven to help others, both with my knowledge and skills. I'm seeking an opportunity to learn and grow in the tech industry.

    I'm a quick learner and eager to take on new challenges. Additionally, I have strong communication skills which makes me an effective team member. I am certain that my abilities can benefit any organization.

Elevator pitch example to apply for an internship:

I'm Jake Miller. I am an ambitious programmer motivated to create revolutionary solutions.

I'm currently a senior at the University of Washington and have been studying computer science for the past three years. During my coursework, I've developed strong coding skills in several programming languages, including Java, Python, and C++.

I eagerly anticipate gaining real-world experience through an internship. My ambition is to employ my knowledge and creativity to develop products that create a beneficial effect on people's lives. I'm confident I can bring an enthusiastic and collaborative attitude to groups of any size.

At my current job as a research assistant, I've worked on projects involving artificial intelligence and machine learning. This experience has given me the skills necessary to take on complex tasks and collaborate effectively with colleagues in a remote environment.

I'm looking forward to bringing my technical expertise and creative mindset to an internship. With my passion for problem-solving and dedication to innovation, I'm confident I can make meaningful contributions to any project.

Elevator pitch example for a fresh college graduate:

  • Hello! I'm Amanda, a recent graduate from Stanford University, and I'm searching for an opportunity to have an influence on healthcare informatics.

    I have a strong background in programming and extensive knowledge of data visualization programs. I've developed creative problem-solving skills through my work and internships, as well as excellent communication and teamwork abilities.

    I'm passionate about technology, and I'm always eager to learn new things. I'm confident that I can quickly pick up new skills, apply them to various situations, and collaborate with other team members.

    I believe my expertise would be a great asset to any organization. I'm thrilled to become part of your team and use my skills to help you reach your goals. Thank you for considering me for this position.

Elevator pitch examples for job seekers

Elevator pitch example for an email to apply for a job

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Peter Jones. I'm a highly organized and creative individual with extensive experience in the field of customer service. I aim to use these skills to make a positive impact on my employer and the community it serves.

With my previous customer service roles, I have developed strong problem-solving skills and I can collaborate with others or work autonomously. I am proud of my capacity to communicate constructively with colleagues from all levels of the organization.

I am confident that my background and experience make me an excellent fit for your organization. I believe I have the necessary qualities to contribute to the success of your company and would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how I can help.

Thank you for your time and consideration. My resume is attached to this email. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require additional information.

Sincerely, Peter

Elevator pitch examples for organizations


  • Hi! We're "Fresh Foods". We offer an innovative solution to the age-old problem of obtaining fresh produce. Our roaming farmers' market brings fresh fruits and vegetables directly to your neighborhood.

    We understand that not everyone has the time or means to go to the grocery store. Our mobile produce market makes it easier for people to get healthy, nutritious foods. Plus, our prices are more reasonable than those found in traditional stores.

    Our fruits and veggies are locally sourced and always of the highest quality. We are committed to providing our customers with the freshest ingredients at an affordable price. We also provide recipes and nutrition advice so you can make the most out of your fresh produce!

    We want to help our customers live healthier lives by making access to locally-ground foods easier than ever before. Let us bring it right to your doorstep!

Elevator pitch example for non-profit organization

  • Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Jenna, from the "Fight Hunger" Foundation.

    We strive to eradicate hunger in our community. Hunger is an ongoing issue in our area, with over 20,000 people going hungry each day. Our organization works to provide food to those in need. We need your help to continue our work and end hunger in the surrounding area. You can donate money or volunteer with us anytime.

    Proper nutrition is a basic human right. Especially, in a developed country like the United States. No one should be starving in the land of opportunities!

Elevator pitch for interviews

Elevator pitch example for the "Tell about yourself" question

Hello! I'm Jane Smith. I'm a software engineer with five years of experience in developing and managing web applications. I have a degree in computer science and a passion for coding. I'm currently looking for a position where I can apply my expertise and abilities to help develop innovative solutions.

I am highly proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. My experience includes working on front-end user interfaces, and back-end databases, and troubleshooting server issues. Additionally, I am well-versed in software development life cycles (SDLC) and agile methodology.

I've also participated in hackathons where I've showcased my proficiency at solving complex problems quickly. My team placed first in the most recent hackathon which included solving an artificial intelligence (AI) problem.

I am convinced that my capabilities will be advantageous to any team I join. I'm excited to join an organization where my expertise can be utilized to create successful projects that meet customer needs.

Elevator pitch example for the "Why should we hire you?" question

I believe I'm a good fit for this position. I have a proven track record of success in my past roles, and I am sure I can deliver the same level of success here.

I have gained 3+ years of knowledge in customer service, allowing me to promptly recognize visitors' needs and respond accordingly. I also have excellent communication skills - both verbal and written - that help me create strong customer relationships.

I'm also a systematic person possessing an exceptional ability to resolve issues, a great eye for detail, and the ability to work independently or as part of a team to complete tasks efficiently. I am confident I can hit the ground running and contribute right away.

Finally, I am passionate about learning new things and continuously growing and developing myself. I am enthusiastic to gain knowledge about the company and what it will take to be successful in this role.

Overall, my experience and skills make me the ideal candidate for this position. I'm excited for the opportunity to join your team!

How to write an elevator pitch for a job?

Best elevator pitch writing techniques

Creating an elevator pitch can be a challenging task. To make it easier, here are some tips on how to write an excellent elevator pitch for job interviews.

  1. Introduce yourself. Start by focusing on yourself even when talking about a business. Explain who you are, what you do, and why you are the perfect match for this job and company.
  2. Share your passion. Use this opportunity to show your enthusiasm for the project or job. Elucidate why this holds significance to you and why you're enthusiastic about it.
  3. Highlight your qualifications. Here's where you get to show off your skills, qualifications, and experience. Describe what makes you uniquely qualified for the role or project.
  4. Explain your goals. Let your listener know what your desired outcome of this project or job is. Explain the advantages they will gain and why they should pick you over other applicants.
  5. Give a call to action. Conclude your elevator speech with an appeal that spurs the listener to act. Ask for a meeting or an interview, or invite them to contact you for more information.

By following these simple steps, you can compose a concise summary that will captivate the attention of your listener and help you distinguish yourself from other job seekers or project sponsors.

Elevator pitch template for a job search

An effective elevator pitch is both memorable and persuasive. Take time to craft yours so it stands apart from the crowd!

See the elevator pitch template below to help you get started writing your own:

Greetings, I'm [Name]. I'm a [Title]. I have expertise in [Relevant experience]. I'm passionate about helping [Organization] achieve [Goal].

I hold a degree in [Field of study] from the [University name]. I am capable of [Skills 1], [Skill 2], and [Skill 3].

In my current role as [Position], I've implemented initiatives that have increased [Imperative statistics]. I'm eager to bring my experience to your team.

Thank you for your time.

This elevator pitch is concise, yet powerful. It quickly communicates the value you can bring to an employer. It emphasizes your accomplishments and how you can help the organization succeed.

In addition, it includes a call to action. This encourages employers to take the next step in learning more about you and engaging in conversation.

To create your own effective elevator pitch, focus on the value you bring:

  • What have you accomplished in other roles?
  • How can you contribute to this organization?

Use language that is concise and action-oriented. Add details and a personal touch to your message.

Common elevator pitch mistakes

Crafting an elevator pitch can be a make-or-break moment for many professionals, so avoiding common errors is crucial.

Here are some pitfalls to steer clear of:

  • Lack of clarity. Failing to clearly communicate what you do or the value you offer in a concise manner can lead to disinterest.
  • Not tailoring to the audience. Using a one-size-fits-all pitch can make it less compelling.
  • Jargon. Using industry-specific jargon or technical terms can alienate your audience, especially if they're not familiar with your field.
  • Forgetting the hook. Without an attention-grabbing opening, your pitch might fail to capture interest from the outset.
  • Lack of confidence. Your delivery matters just as much as the content of your pitch.
  • Not practicing enough. Even the best pitch will fall flat if it sounds rehearsed or lacks authenticity.
  • Neglecting to follow up. A great elevator pitch should lead to further conversation or action. Remember to follow up with your listener afterward.


Can I use an elevator pitch in written communication?
Yes, an elevator statement can be adapted for use in emails, LinkedIn summaries, and cover letters.
Should I memorize my elevator pitch?
It's beneficial to memorize the key points, but ensure it sounds natural and conversational rather than scripted.
How can I make my elevator pitch more engaging?
Use storytelling techniques, include specific examples or achievements, and convey enthusiasm and confidence. Demonstrate enthusiasm for your idea or project. Your energy can be contagious and will make your pitch more compelling.
Can I use humor in my elevator statement?
Yes, humor can be effective if used appropriately and if it aligns with your personality and the context of the pitch.


Now you know how to create an impressive elevator pitch. Use this article and the provided sample elevator pitches to simplify the procedure and amplify your chances of being hired.

With an effective pitch, you can quickly get people interested in your business or land the job of your dreams!